Located straight west of Elrose on the northside of Hwy 44, you will find this package of 7 quarter sections of cultivated farmland. SAMA states a total 1,119 acres with 942 cultivated, 75 pasture and 10 other acres that combine for an average soil final rating of 57.5. Property includes annual surface lease revenue of approximately $15,075. This package has 2 quarters leased for 2025, balance available to be farmed for the 2025 growing season. Want more, checkout the other listings in this area to the north! Please call for more information.
Farmland & Price Summary
7 Parcels
1,118 Title Acres (ISC)
SAMA Information
1,119 Total Acres
942 Cultivated Acres
75 Native Pasture Acres
102 Wetland/Bush Acres
$1,503,900 Total Assessed Value
$215,035 Average Assessment per 160 Acres
57.5 Soil Final Rating (Weighted Average)
$3,565,000 Farmland Price
$3,188 per Total acre (ISC)
$3,785 per cultivated acre (SAMA)
2.37 times the 2021 Assessed Value
Farm For Sale
Rural Address, Snipe Lake Rm No. 259, Saskatchewan S0L 0B3

- Benita McNeill
- View website
- 306-867-7082