Quarter section of farmland located 15 minutes west of Saskatoon, 1.5 miles north of HWY 14. The location of characteristics of this 160-acre parcel make it ideal for a recreational property or acreage site.
The farmland is characterized by a class 4 dark brown soil (Asquith and Vera associations) with a loamy sand to sand texture. The farmland includes 40 acres of arable land seeded to fall rye, the balance is a scenic mix of aspen pasture and native grass.
From Sandy Ridge Gas Station (18km west of Saskatoon on HWY 14), continue 1.6km west on HWY 14 to Range Road 3082, turn right and continue 2.5km north.
Farmland & Price Summary
NW 2-37-8 W3
159 title acres (ISC)
SAMA Information
160 total acres
30 arable hay/grass acres
130 native pasture acres
$67,800 total 2021 assessed value (AV)
$67,800 average assessment per 160 acres
23.8 soil final rating (weighted average)
$475,000 Farmland Price
$2,982 per title acre (ISC)
Farm For Sale
Rural Address, Corman Park Rm No. 344, Saskatchewan S0K 1V0

- Benita McNeill
- View website
- 306-867-7082