A DIVERSE RECREATION QUARTER OF LAND LOCATED IN THE RM OF PREECEVILLE NO.334 JUST 3 MILES NORTHWEST OF ENDEAVOR. A perfect habitat for an abundance of wildlife from big game to water fowl with a permanent source of water situated within the 160 Acres. The diversity also offers various heavy bush including poplar and spruce with small open meadows nestled throughout. Back in the day… there used to be a homestead on the property that was accessed through the east grid road and was situated in the opening upon entry that overlooked the large body of water. This could be done again and is a fantastic high ground for a cabin or yard site. The nearest power source is just across the road. The Seller also has and can provide a cabin that can be negotiated upon valued at approximately $20,000 and can easily be moved onto the property located just a few miles away, The cabin is insulated, wired, and plumbed with washroom etc. The quarter of land is very accessible and is a hunters dream with many hotspots for tree stands. The elk in particular like pass through this quarter making their way north to south as it provides them the habitat and sanctuary of quiet ground. This quarter could also become good pasture land as well if needed or simply become the preservation of nature and nature conservancy. Plenty of time to get your offer in, put your tree stand up and be ready for the upcoming hunting season. Call for more information or to schedule a viewing. Taxes are affordable :$225/year.
Farm For Sale
Rural Address, Preeceville Rm No. 334, Saskatchewan S0A 3B0

- Benita McNeill
- View website
- 306-867-7082